Of all the moral values of the highest value - BR>
goodness. BR>
Compassion, which does not include the evil, selfish start, - BR> empty snauduļojoša goodness. BR>
Give light, scattered the darkness itself. BR>
Compassion must be combined with knowledge. In my life, I had BR>
seeing the kindness of not only high quality. Is BR>
strive to develop within oneself the ability to make choices, and then BR>
required character and spiritual daring. BR>
with kindness often may harm them, so if you want BR>
do something good, carefully pondering all. BR>
Compassion - the weakness of human understanding, knowing how hard BR>
being human - not Exchangeable with love. Love is BR>
personal sympathy for certain, selected people BR>
which awakens in us long before the end of time, always stay BR>
with him. While goodness can also give random BR>
passers-by, it is bezpersoniskāka than love, it is BR>
sympathy for all people. . . . . Pastartiesā man BR>
will not be judged on their knowledge, intelligence and performance measure, BR>
but by the goodness and love izdāvātās measured. BR>
do good, without expecting a tip, not the State or BR>
world, is the highest human Esme statement. BR>
He who has mastered the science of goodness, all the other sciences BR>
are harmful. BR>
Compassion is a weakness, if ever, endlessly forgiving, without BR>
belief that the recipient is getting better. Compassion is a strength BR>
and size, if it still gives the re BR>
atpakaļslīdēšanas, but sees to it that the recipient of this BR>
goodness, become stronger, more rarely, to a lesser extent, BR>
keeps coming back, that learns to understand it, feel its size, growing BR>
own eyes that he wants to leave. Compassion is a large, if it BR>
beneficiary turns, make yourself like, prepare yourself for him BR>
it fit, but she is a person with a receipt BR>
expanded. Compassion is a large, if it is selfish, BR>
small, if it gives the recipient of t. i. Than do self BR>
benefit. Compassion is a small and even if the benefits of BR>
giving a small, if it expects only a small thanks, great BR>
if the person gripped and taken inside. BR>
can resist, but just not good. BR>
Compassion - the only outfit that never nenonēsājas. BR>
themselves milder plants stretching up through the hardest ground, BR>
rock crevices. It also goodness. What a chisel, a BR>
hammer, a Tarans able to emulate the effect with good-natured BR>
and real people! Nothing has been able to resist. BR>
When you are happy, then we are always in kind, but when BR>
we are kind, we do not always have a happy. BR>
too good deeds should be done with the mind. The mind without goodness BR>
- Bad, but not the goodness of mind - not better. BR>
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