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Poems / Haughtiness

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Pride lack of sufficient reflection, and his own ignorance
as a result.
If we are bothered by the same pride, then we nežēlotos that other
Diogenes dirty clothes back and forth traveled
Plato\'s fine carpets in rooms. \"I iron - he
said, - Plato\'s pride. \"\" Yes - Plato argued - but with
another type of pride assistance. \"
Do not let pride take over you. Its because you will lose
Let no arrogance in his raising over the other. . . . What you do
is what you would have received? But if you have received, why do
become proud, as if received?
Pride is pleasure accompanied by the idea of ​​some of our activities,
which, as we imagine, others praise.
so-called empty pride is the complacency that keeps
only crowd of opinion, and when it fades, it fades and the
Complacency, namely maximum benefit for each
dear. For this reason, it is a pride based on the crowd
opinion, everyday is always worried. He polished and
try anything to keep his reputation. The crowd
but it is volatile and variable, and therefore, if reputation
kept watch over it quickly fades away. In addition, the fact that all the eager crowd
recognition, each easily overshadowed by the reputation and all other
the result, as it is undisputed that are considered
of high quality, there is a huge desire to one another
any reprisal, and that\'s what ultimately proves
winner, his pride more can be justified by the fact that the
harmed other than the fact that doing good for himself.

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