one - nine fur coats, nine - no. BR>
If the money you would not serve, then it\'ll uzkundzēsies. Rather, can BR>
say that the miser his own property, than that she BR>
property is that which he owns. BR>
If you want to have everything you contributed, renounce the following BR>
reasoning: \"If I leave behind their belongings, I will not BR>
bread, if I neturēšu reins his servant, he will become BR>
scamp. \"The better to die of starvation, ignorance or fear, BR>
neither sorrow, than to live in abundance in the heart of the insurgency. BR>
wise to do this traveler, who takes on his way only BR>
Pull the load to the most needed. Do it, man, you and your BR>
life in vain and media pushes things in vain, and BR>
was still in even harder than necessary. BR>
Property Owners do not need as much as the property BR>
owner. BR>
accumulated precious belongings BR>
There nerimst quarrels within the family and country. BR>
God looks not on the property, but the heart. BR>
multiply, multiply it by those who eat it, and BR>
then the benefits to which it belongs, just as the eyes BR>
look? BR>
But in any case, when God gives any man wealth and BR>
worldly possessions and give him the lucky situation that BR>
he may enjoy, or take on your part, and even BR>
despite all efforts, however, have fun, then it is BR>
God\'s grace. Then a lot of thinking about your own BR>
the short days of life because God will give to his heart with br>
joy. BR>
Better have a modicum of fear of the Lord than great treasure, BR>
with anxiety and concern for the present. BR>
Manta nothing will not help the Lord\'s day of wrath. BR>
One grant will be happy of my goods, and yet he BR>
more and more stock, someone else is too tough and BR>
However, becoming poorer. BR>
Some have large capital assets is poor, although the plays themselves rich BR>
are, and some are really rich with all his seeming BR>
poverty. BR>
Some people may save his life, but BR>
no poor man does not hear any threats. BR>
poor hate even his friend, but one that loves BR>
the rich are many. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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