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Poems for your greeting cards


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Poems / Rating

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If you are waiting for his work on the judgment of others, then you are not
the work more complete, but only an apprentice.
[ Rating ]
say - the most difficult is to know yourself, but the thing on the contrary -
themselves most easily recognizable, but the most difficult to judge themselves. By contrast,
the most difficult to recognize the other, the easiest to judge others.
[ Rating ]
Most of our disasters are much easier to tolerate than
our friends comment on them.
[ Rating ]
for friendship does not make you so blind that you would not be able to
see the lack of friends, hatred - the right enemy.
[ Rating ]
difficult to bear misfortune, happiness - fear of losing. One does not
better than another.
[ Rating ]
assessment we are much closer to the truth
about ourselves.
[ Rating ]
Bird knows the songs, people at work.
[ Rating ]
Master, who himself praised, is not highly valued.
[ Rating ]
We judge ourselves by their ability to do something,
while others evaluate us by what we have done.
[ Rating ]
Each sees you as someone you humped him, a little
one that feels as you are.
[ Rating ]
rude, ill-bred man is willing to consider any
passers-by about the same riebīgāko and the lowest creature on top
the ground only that reason, it has ascended to his corns.
His corns, he has made on human action
assessment measure.
[ Rating ]
our good qualities, making us stand out, others do
smaller, while at the same time, our weaknesses, giving others the opportunity
no evil of us laugh, make them bigger
the same in your eyes.
[ Rating ]
Rate is to create. The same assessment is estimated Affairs treasure
and luxury.
[ Rating ]
No nation could not survive, if not ratings -
who is right and what is evil, in order to survive, it
treated differently than those of a neighboring nation. Lots of
what a people, take a good, it is a disgrace and another
contempt. . . . A lot of what the evil is here
known, there is honor for wearing purple.
[ Rating ]
The man is a wiser and better, the more good he
also see in other people.
[ Rating ]

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