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Poems / Evil

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And the prince suffered, because the heart is evil plague.
[ Evil ]
Find the cause of evil is almost the same as that found in a medicine for it.
[ Evil ]
see no evil, is evil.
[ Evil ]
do not understand the evil that is evil.
[ Evil ]
evil full of danger to human life.
[ Evil ]
Instead it is wise to be able to tell right from wrong, but what of the two evils choose the least able.
[ Evil ]
Evil man before harmed someone else, has caused harm to yourself.
[ Evil ]
Just as silence is the absence of any noise, nudity - clothes absence of disease - health, but the darkness - absence of light, so evil is the absence of good, not something that existed per se.
[ Evil ]
of them called and what causes a person as well as that from which he suffers. First - it is a sin, the second - a penalty. . . The person causing the harm which he himself has chosen, and the suffering of the evil, which is not wanted.
[ Evil ]
If evil does not exist, the same fear of evil is evil.
[ Evil ]
Evil can only be good. Where there are no good, it is not possible, it would also be an evil.
[ Evil ]
everything would be just as gray as gray is a man of passion left behind, nesavaldīta passion - an evil, but this is the same passion and energy source for driving forward the flame.
[ Evil ]
Evil - his own enemy, the cause of anxiety, which is constantly trying to make himself non-existent.
[ Evil ]
for evil triumph is that it is only necessary for good people to sit their hands.
[ Evil ]
What does evil is unhappy about the evil of suffering.
[ Evil ]

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