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Poems / Confidence

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Those who do not what does not, will fall in front of anything.
some people, their beliefs are often dwells very deep - it is almost the end of the tongue.
exalted, every force is relaxed - just because they are unsure of themselves.
goes bolder man becomes a coward when he is not certain.
We do not need as much help its friends, and the belief that we receive from them when it is needed.
Full-confidence is a feeling.
not maintain their moral beliefs.
My whole belief is only belief, and it comes out of sentiment rather than reason.
Confidence - not the beginning of cognition, but its crown.
independence and fortitude rarely expressed by those who are not sure of the intended reach on their own.
Happy he whose beliefs differ from generally accepted.
Nothing resembling the passionate conviction and stubborn stubbornness.
an integral part of any beliefs that make them happy, if they are in place you can not give him something better.
can not excite the way, if you\'re not thrilled. Unable to convince any, if you\'re not sure.
confidence are greater enemies of truth than the illusion. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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