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Poems / God

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put an equal sign between God and morality means to come to idolatry, meaning divine man-made.
[ God ]
God everything is beautiful and fair, while single people have found to be fair, the other to be unreasonable.
[ God ]
any deity is jealous and causes people anxiety.
[ God ]
Saying that God is patient. But to endure the public evil - or it does not show its helplessness, or even more involvement in the evil.
[ God ]
Ethiopia represent their gods black and flat nose, Thracian - a red-haired and blue-eyed, mīdieši and Persians - in their match.
[ God ]
Only if the world was created, God, if the world is Eternal, THEN there is of God!
[ God ]
self inflicted god, it would be triangular.
[ God ]
The time has come when the devil to become a law of God, unless he wants to be otherwise.
[ God ]
gods are no less necessary for good - but even for his own existence can not you be grateful for tolerance and philanthropic. . . . What is the benefit of God that kno
[ God ]
If God would like to be loved, then he should have been from the beginning to withdraw from a judge, justice and plain: the judge, even a merciful judge, not loved.
[ God ]
What people value most, as well as his god.
[ God ]
God is motionless, the final and it is spherical in shape.
[ God ]
The only idea that one can associate with the word of God, is the root cause, the cause of all things, an idea. No matter how hard it is for humans to understand the root cause, he believed in its existence as such would be ten times more difficult to disbelieve. Incredibly difficult it is to realize that the spread is not final, but even more difficult - the finality. Across the human ability to understand the eternal flow of time, but even more unlikely that the time will come when the time runs out.
[ God ]
God - serves the spirit of hope, but not an excuse for cowardice.
[ God ]
I can not know whether God exists, or it is not because too many obstacles to explore, - the very vague question, as well as human life is too short.
[ God ]

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