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Poems / Power

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school teachers have the power of a prime minister can only dream of.
[ Power ]
No I can not vouch for the Lord, who does not belong to himself.
[ Power ]
Doing good and bad to hear about yourself - the fate of kings.
[ Power ]
Each copper is a continuous conspiracy.
[ Power ]
People who occupy high positions of the three servants of the Lord: they serve the king or country, they serve the people\'s languages, they serve for their work. Thus, they are not lords either to themselves or their actions, nor your time. Is a strange desire to seek power over others and to lose power for himself.
[ Power ]
man really is similar to the non-human primate, the higher uzrāpjas the more your butt shows.
[ Power ]
wealth - copper, any copper in one form or another self piesavināsies wealth.
[ Power ]
The higher the power, the greater the danger that it can be misused.
[ Power ]
of the wealth - it is a power, any power one way or another self plundered wealth.
[ Power ]
To become a stronger power, it is limited.
[ Power ]
secret of power is as follows - to know that others are more cowardly than you.
[ Power ]
The force of justice is power, violence - copper injustice.
[ Power ]
Copper creates its own authority through which it rules the consciousness, which in turn is based on its power.
[ Power ]
issues of style, swim in the stream, the principal issues are as strong as a rock.
[ Power ]
concern for human life and happiness, but not for the Spreading - this is the first and only legitimate good government.
[ Power ]

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