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Poems / Fate

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Destiny beat us in two ways: allowing to happen what we want, and fill our needs.
[ Fate ]
All virtues free us from the vices of power, only the courage to release us from the power of fate.
[ Fate ]
Destiny - tyrant: sinister excuse fool - an excuse for failure.
[ Fate ]
It always lives: we are trying to ductile plans are going to one, but the fate puts us ahead of anything else. Starting with the insatiable conqueror, who could engulf the entire world, and finally compliant with the blind, the lead dog, we do all the fancy toys. And, perhaps, that the blind man who follows the dog, running along the road in a more accurate and less often top their hopes deceived than that - the first blind man with his whole entourage.
[ Fate ]
fate often give more if there is little to ask.
[ Fate ]
the unenviable fate, which no one do not envy.
[ Fate ]
Man is the creator of its own destiny in the sense that he has the discretion to his freedom. But people do not know where it will lead.
[ Fate ]
Destiny sell what promised to give.
[ Fate ]
of fate may be decided by God, even inevitable.
[ Fate ]
fate unsuccessful, it\'s all turning into a success.
[ Fate ]
fate of our corrects many of the deficiencies would not be able to edit the mind.
[ Fate ]
However, the best shelter from the shocks of fate - the tomb.
[ Fate ]
fate samīda me, I\'ll see if he will not disgrace.
[ Fate ]
What is less trusted to the mercy of fate, it has held up longer in power.
[ Fate ]
some, fate gives too much, enough - none.
[ Fate ]

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