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Poems / Ana

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Estonians have created a new breed of dog - Estonian hound. The new variety was created specifically for wounded snail and turtle hunting.
[ Ana ]
An old gentleman, deftly escaping from satrakota bull, just being able to speak:
- Oh damn, ungrateful beast! Do you know a little with Jenny after him? The fact that all life has been a vegetarian!
[ Ana ]
escaped from a zoo elephant.
Rings at the police station:
- In my garden stands a huge, gray rat!
- And what did she do?
- The tail pulls cabbage. . .
- And what do with them?
- Lord! You will not believe!
[ Ana ]
Saint Bernard - dogs who live in the Alps. They are looking for lost skiers in winter and from the living.
[ Ana ]
- Who will come if you cross a giraffe with Dogu?
- Hybrid, which is able to apriet low-flying aircraft.
[ Ana ]
- Why do zebras have white and black stripes?
- In order to zebra donkeys do not think whether they prefer blondes or brunettes.
[ Ana ]
sin and began flooding. And Noah took a pair of each creature. Even took two dinosaurs. It turned out that both are boys! Since they died, although highly sought. . .
[ Ana ]
- Say, this parrot talk?
- You know, the same he just asked about you.
[ Ana ]
elephant asks Strauss:
- Why do not you head in the sand bāžat?
- I do not know the others, but I was looking for oil.
[ Ana ]
Aizmucis parrot. For children under sixteen years of age do not recommend the taking.
[ Ana ]
Buddy tells his friend:
- Yesterday evening, all taught your dog ierieties three times when it wants to eat.
A week later they meet again. A friend asks:
- Well some success in the drill?
- Imagine, now, while neierejos three times, the dog will not eat anything.
[ Ana ]
think your cat when pietaisa corner on the carpet behind the couch?
- I know that may not, but there is none, dark, and then I aizrakšu. . .
[ Ana ]
Moscow zoo giraffe crossed with a rhino. Offspring did not develop, but the game remained dissatisfied.
[ Ana ]
Go to the dinosaur forest. Fox meets the road.
Dinosaur: What\'s your name?
Fox: My name is Fox!
Dinosaur: Ok. Record \"lap-sa \'! Come with me tomorrow for breakfast time I will apēdīšu.
Fox weeping, either to do anything - the dinosaur is a dinosaur. Go on a beast of the ancient past meets the road bear.
Dinosaur: What\'s your name?
Bear: My name is Bear!
Dinosaur: Ok. Record of \"la-cis\"! Come with me tomorrow for lunch time I will apēdīšu.
Bear weeping, either to do anything - the dinosaur is a dinosaur. Go on a beast of the ancient past meets the road hare.
Dinosaur: What\'s your name?
Rabbit: My name is Bunny!
Dinosaur: Ok. Record of \"green-angle\"! Come to me tomorrow in time for dinner, I thee apēdīšu.
Rabbit: Or may be I will not?
Dinosaur: Ok! You strike it.
[ Ana ]
Atnāk husband to the circus and of the words.
Husband: That there can speak.
Circus Directorate: either do not believe though, prove?
The man knocks a frog in a while pazodi.
Frog: Well, let\'s say \"Kva!\"
[ Ana ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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