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Poems /

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Nothing and Nowhere
There will be no second time.
As a warning,
As a top prize
Uniqueness -
Shooting star
Over our heads.
[ ]
were waves
Had wings,
There was a tune.
[ ]
freezes flowers
How to plug the coffin,
Heavy wind in the air
Scent see die.
[ ]
freezes the flowers smell
Freezes in the eyes of expectations -
No empty as ...
Somewhere far and high
Wind throwing a promise -
Short, flying touch.
[ ]
autumns disappears -
I do not contain them,
Waters drain -
I do not deter them,
Go Friends -
I do not keep them ...
[ ]
World I
No longer holds
Joint -
By me
Has already begun to flow
[ ]
a long time I was in the river.
Well, I jāizlīst
With white light
Solar plane trees.
Before branching roots
Take me to the ground,
I juice pierietušos
Branches look.
[ ]
candle flies ...
Not to express, not to tell.
Inside stingdamas Drops
Neizkusušas fall.

As candles are flying in despair -
Flare up, burn out, to live.
[ ]
Evening us drift in the sky,
Children will remain weeping,
When they try to ascend,
Their children will cry.
[ ]
How strange happens:
People resets the light
Leaving the room ...
Everything remains on the site.
As blind darkness,
By having jāaprod.
[ ]
It is not the beginning
a winter
but the end
a fall.
Total quietly
Pārklājies snow.
[ ]
Dead silence in me
without you.
[ ]
Stop Watch.
Stoppage time.

very last drop of light aizsūcas
night the well
one of the other ac
flowing sand

Farewell sand pulkstevis
[ ]
And now farewell, I already farewell of all,
What came to me with the bright colors here.
From birch trees, groves, which are already extinct,
Apsēm nakedness of winter.
[ ]
With love and honor the mind,
Over the life does not keep -
Everything returned to the heirs of a long,
Everything Kurzemīte mother, you.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 3

Poems /

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