Be happy
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Poems / Be happy

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No one is worth your tears, and those who have, never will not make you cry.
is indee
. . . you are sad. And it proves that your soul is still alive.
There will always be people who will make you pain. . . But not-
ceases to believe in people - you are just below
a bit of attention!
memorial moments of tenderness sometimes hurts more
than harm.
At first she had suffered the torment of hell. Leave the man
whose love of children\'s wear under your heart, requires
superhuman courage, nay, more - Inhuman
courage - the courage of the animal. It\'s like docking
his leg without anesthesia with rusty pocket knife,
only, this procedure is much longer.
Some things in our life is stamped with a stamp
that says: \"You only appreciate me when I\'ll be lost ... and then recovered again.\"
If it does not return, it will never belonged. If the returns - it is how to put your.
Everything is nothing, but at a later date. After everything has been
not lose any, because no one no one
Sea Waves and Gulls, also we are Dealing
and becames friends. Gulls shutters, flush the drain, and we parted.
Those who lost their only belonging to them, in
much better off than others. From now on,
everything in life is just a benefit.
After all teaching is not in the fact that we lose at all, but - as loose and as the loss of maināmies. What we take ourselves to
use in other games. Loss in a sense is also
victory. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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