Children charity organisation
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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems /

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love the new pay for it, to be made, but old for what did not.
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word \'happiness\' should be pronounced with caution.
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may be unfair, but the message must not be rude.
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An expert is someone who has committed all possible mistakes. A very narrow specialty.
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This theory is not sufficiently improbable to be correct.
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Devotion to be genuinely true, deep and persistent, can only exist between the opposite sex.
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Misfortune leads weak minds to despair, and strengthens the noble soul.
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Brain volatility is not harmful to the heart: the views can be changed by keeping their feelings.
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man\'s honor is so different from women of honor that last to first watch as your enemy.
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our many failure due to Lack of confidence in yourself.
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When everything else is lost, future still remains.
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Few minds die from degradation, most of the bristles from disuse.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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