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Poems / Refusal

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refusal - does not ask.
[ Refusal ]
\"No,\" expressed deep beyond belief, and are more
better than \"yes\", which meant only to please, or even
worse - to avoid trouble.
[ Refusal ]
polite way to refuse indirectly - to change the conversation subject.
[ Refusal ]
Polite request rejection - silence.
[ Refusal ]
surest way to make their children unhappy - a
their habituation to it, that he never will not meet the refusal.
[ Refusal ]
shy asking the same photographs ask for the withdrawal.
[ Refusal ]
Almost all men are slaves, and this can be explained in
the same way as explained in Persian Spartans
nepilnvērtību: their power was not to say \"no.\" Skill
to tell and the ability to live apart - that is, ways
possible to defend your independence and your personality.
[ Refusal ]
Learn the art of convincing to say \"no.\" It is
most necessary skill in the world. Your life will be
continued to torment the moment while you are
will not learn to answer the following without the slightest hitch
viskategoriskākajā tone, completely ignoring the prayer or
king, any feelings or position of strength, seeking
or require that you do something that does not meet your
own preferences.
[ Refusal ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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