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Poems / Wealth

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any well-maintained country wealth is a sacred thing, but
democracy it is the only holiness.
[ Wealth ]
Wealth has created more greedy people than greed
- The rich.
[ Wealth ]
Rich pursuing wealth, the poor - the rich.
[ Wealth ]
means to accumulate wealth, save sin.
[ Wealth ]
What can be satisfied with a modicum it - rich.
[ Wealth ]
Epicurus said, if you want to become rich, do not intend to increase their
wealth, only moderates their greed.
[ Wealth ]
beauty, wit and virtue dowry to come.
[ Wealth ]
fortunes makes experiencing poverty to commit a crime.
[ Wealth ]
Fortunes - clever slave, the foolish king.
[ Wealth ]
rich man - either a swindler, or Knave heir.
[ Wealth ]
fortunes MOCA you when you try to get it, it nullifies it
drives you to despair, it is, so you Blurs mind. Then
Although it is a pleasure from wealth?
[ Wealth ]
[fortunes. ] An insurmountable obstacle to salvation. Rich man
usually too fat belly, so that he could thread
a narrow path that leads to paradise. If a rich man but wants
to get there, he will need to fast or to let
Pastors removes fat and make thin enough to make it
could crawl into a small box of salvation.
[ Wealth ]
much saved from it much to lose.
[ Wealth ]
rich is not having much money, but having a lot
[ Wealth ]
other people\'s wealth is not jāapskauž: as they have
paid a price, which we do not have the power - they are the
good is offered for your peace of mind, health, honor and
conscience. It is too expensive - this transaction would bring us
only losses.
[ Wealth ]

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