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Poems / Suffering

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Suffering is the fastest way to get to the truth.
Doom nau that a person will ever have to endure. Who
says, are either tired, or Dodger. No. We are capable of this
ground installation as well as your home. But this must be done
greater is the suffering of those who suffer in silence.
suffering deprives us composure, great - makes us
for ourselves. Not quite cracked bell sounds, divide
call to tear the place - it will recover clean sound.
is easier to bear when you know - kamdēļ.
endured with dignity what the change is within your power.
God lives in every person, but not every man lives
In God. It also is the cause of human suffering.
Suffering - any sense that the soul is chosen
neizjust than experience.
Suffering - that with which we seriously have to pay for all that is
valuable in this life - for strength, for wisdom, for
Suffering and dedication will always be a thinker and
the artist\'s fate, since his aim is to benefit people.
The world is moving forward thanks to those who suffer.
shoe, then life is not enjoyable.
Straight suffering - unjust accusation.
blessed our life is a loss, illness and grief. They
suddenly pulls out the spirit of our laicības charisma and shows
its brevity and futility of eternity.
If the doctor makes us whole with bitter herbs, then madly
it is to condemn and if God is good for our sins by suffering, then
infidel is a murmur. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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