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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems / Works

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doing a great job all to please not.
[ Works ]
One hour in the morning is better than two in the evening.
[ Works ]
rushed to do a good job, even a little, avoid each
things that cause stumbling, as every good work starts another good job,
but every sin leads to the next: Award of virtue - the same
virtue, punishment for sin - the sin itself.
[ Works ]
While it is not possible to do what you want, to do that
[ Works ]
Good works never nepagaist irrelevance. Who sows courtesy,
reap friendship, kindness sowing, collecting love
harvest blessing to lijusi over the grateful soul, can not
Do not carry the fruit and usually brings with it thanks to the prize.
[ Works ]
The more one tries to do good, because it more closely by
feet by evil, and created all samaitādams Palau and
bitterness for a man and stop him mitētos love.
[ Works ]
which can be proved by works, then there is no need to spend
[ Works ]
The good works done by the mind. Bad if you are pleased, but
man is not good, but there is no better if the person is good
but without the mind.
[ Works ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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