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Poems / Friendship

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Friendship is a reflection of other human values ​​
from all of what causes the wisdom of a happy life for yourself, The Same
precious is friendship.
What makes a good friend, it\'s doing good for yourself.
Misunderstanding makes friends of enemies.
brother may not have a boyfriend, but a friend - always a brother.
Our friends of friends - our friends.
shameful human friendship is not sustainable, it only takes
Long brings mutual benefits.
The people judged by his friends.
Life without friends is like unpromising desert;
enhances the pleasures of friendship and relieve suffering, joy
soul, that\'s the only remedy for the evil fate.
Sometimes, in order to lose a friend, does not reward enough
services: a friend who is unable to return the debt
alienated - the debtor becomes a stranger.
worst enemy - former friends: they make
blows about your weaknesses, they were alone in a
know where you hurt the most.
cowardly - fool friend.
There are few friends who are able to withstand any challenge.
He who for us to risk their property, would risk becoming
friend\'s hand can only pull out thorns from the heart.
Unreliable friends - as swallows, occurring in only
summer, sun clock, from which it is only as good
long as the sun is shining. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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