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Poems / Anger

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rage - the blood instead of blazing bile.
[ Anger ]
. . . Human anger does not provide the justice of God.
[ Anger ]
An angry man is always full of poison.
[ Anger ]
anger spārdīsi stone - only leg pain.
[ Anger ]
Velta powerless rage.
[ Anger ]
loving anger is not long.
[ Anger ]
who can control her anger, never do anything dishonorable
[ Anger ]
No passion so dim the clarity of reasoning
as anger.
[ Anger ]
\"I dusmojos because you are wrong\" - so think of it, who
[ Anger ]
first angry with it, which is not true.
[ Anger ]
each impact we make in anger, then inevitably catch
[ Anger ]
opportunity to cause pain weak souls, which makes it difficult to own
sense of weakness, causing more anger. That is why
because anger is nevaldāmākas women than men, the sick
of healthy, old to new, poor for the rich.
[ Anger ]
Serve the Lord with trembling heart, and three
skūpstiet his legs so he nedusmo and you do not go lost
his ways, because of the quick flashes of his anger.
[ Anger ]
Dusmojiet but negrēkojiet
[ Anger ]
iesvelt What no one wants to anger, then life
commonness people everyday truth must ensure that they are
can understand, and should remain on this side of life. Big can be
just what this rubbish feet trampled.
[ Anger ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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