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Poems / Life

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for each birth has been paid to the death for every happiness -
with misfortune.
[ Life ]
Life has two rules: one general and one
special. The first of them reads: sooner or later
everyone will get what the wanted, if well pacentīsies. This is
General Law. A special law states that each
person more or less an exception to the general
the law.
[ Life ]
life means the same thing to love: all arguments of reason -
against, and all healthy instinct of reproduction - a.
[ Life ]
Kamdēļ both failed life can not do the same as the
failed glove: disassemble and knit again!
[ Life ]
life - the way, the same shortest path is usually
dirty, and the longest is much cleaner.
[ Life ]
Live - means to think.
[ Life ]
What a great game for the fate of a human life! And how
strange change in light of changing circumstances are hidden drivers,
determining our desires! Today we love what tomorrow
neieredzēsim, today we are looking for it, as of tomorrow
vairīsimies. Tomorrow we uzdzīs horror of a single idea
about what we want today.
[ Life ]
Live and let others live.
[ Life ]
In general, life is the following: youth - bloomer,
mature years - struggle, old age - repentance.
[ Life ]
afraid of life. Believe in that life is worth it to
it survived, and taps you on your faith in measured.
[ Life ]
Live - means constantly moving forward.
[ Life ]
Bed - the happiest part of life.
[ Life ]
life is worth it to live? This is not the embryo
a man worthy of the question.
[ Life ]
who want to live their lives with integrity, at a young age
be aware that he will one day be old, but age
you must remember that he had ever been young.
[ Life ]
Almost all people, even those that seem very
unhappy love life. They have a difficult thought tolerated, that this
beautiful and wondrous world forever lost their
from view. Understanding that each of our survival moment
is beautiful, even if we have not paid special
attention, but just dawned some satisfaction, forcing us
choose a life full of miseries and misfortunes than
lose if we have that choice.
[ Life ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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