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Poems / Ambition

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Ambition - so strong a person\'s feelings, that,
No matter how much we do not step, we never did not feel satus.
If you know who serves as the wellspring of human judgments and
interest, then you cease to crave recognition and after
[Napoleon I of the established Order of the Legion of Honour]. With
these miserable streamers can lord it over people.
All women are greedy. But her ambition is constantly
overcomes greed.
Every person is just ambition, as he lacks
ambition has made a happy one, this one definitely
have been a fool.
If we study well, there are two main driving forces of
forcing people to take action: lust and ambition, if
Let\'s dive into the study and remove it from the first of all what
can be attributed to the second, it could only ambition.
human vanity is his major source of misfortune.
Vanity is nothing but the untimely attempt to get
wide attention, before we have deserved it.
Vanity [ambition] is the desire to maintain and strengthen all
other affective, and therefore it is almost impossible to overcome.
Because while the people of any lust in his power, he
inevitably there his faculties and ambition. Cicero says:
\"It is the same most best run slavaskāre.\"
Philosophers, even the books, which expresses contempt for
fame, writes his name and so on.
vanity rather than the size of their insignificance feature.
Vanity - the last refuge of failure.
endow people with the ambition neapveltot with talent - here
greatest evil that may be harmed by fate.
Vanity itself is a more natural human characteristic, but it is also
that robs people of their naturalness.
very funny and bezjēdzīgākā activity in the world -
trying to prove that you are not devoid of attraction and mind.
. . . . Happy is that since birth, is modest by
Life is filled with smart and full confidence in the greatness
in itself! There is nothing so do not degrade people, not make it
so miserable, and ambition. In my opinion, it is -
surest sign of mediocrity, even though we know not
quite a few very talented people who suffer from this weakness. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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