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Poems / Wisdom

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If you want to be wise, then learn how to ask for reasonable
questions, listen carefully, quietly and answer
stop talking when no longer something to say.
[ Wisdom ]
troubles avoided, iekulies other; here
also reveals the wisdom - to consider all possible
troubles and misfortunes of the lowest accepted as a benefit.
[ Wisdom ]
Wisdom is the ability to lead your soul, wisdom is managed by
moderation and consistency, and a sense of responsibility for it.
[ Wisdom ]
The best proof of wisdom is consistently good
[ Wisdom ]
The wiser man, the more he finds the original
people. Everyday people do not see any significant differences
between people.
[ Wisdom ]
What is wisdom? Know the order of things.
[ Wisdom ]
Any wisdom is based on patience.
[ Wisdom ]
Silence - foolish wisdom.
[ Wisdom ]
wisdom has limits, stupidity is getting value.
[ Wisdom ]
wisdom of life is a detailed benchmark for life
directed to the centimeter.
[ Wisdom ]
wisdom teaches life believing in nothing, nothing not to love, nothing
neatdoties. But have confidence in it nevajga first patei this
\'Wisdom\'? Is it really \'living\' wisdom? Is life
so petty? Or maybe it is getting value \'domestic\' and \'our
household \'wisdom? Because life is anything great and true without fail
trust, love, dedication. And the smallest in its self
less than life without any chance of the same trust,
love and dedication. She\'s a real life wisdom.
[ Wisdom ]
Youth, behold, the time to learn the wisdom of age - a time
where to put their case.
[ Wisdom ]
Neliecies themselves are too cute.
[ Wisdom ]
Long life is on the right hand, left hand on it
riches and honor. These roads are nice and all paths
Is peace of mind. It is the tree of life for all of them at
coverage, and blessed are those who keep themselves.
[ Wisdom ]
Happy is the man who finds true knowledge, and the man
which, in itself gets a clear mind! For it is better to get exercise
knowledge than silver - and the fruits are worth more than
Gold. It is cildenāka of pearls, and all you want
can not be compared with it. Long life is on the right hand;
at the left hand has a wealth and honor. These paths are
nice roads, and all its paths peace. It is
tree of life for all, that at its extent, and blessed
are those who keep themselves.
[ Wisdom ]

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