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Poems / Ideology

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Ideology is safe, does not become dangerous only so long
as long as it does not start to believe in full earnest.
Ideology from a simple point of view differs in that it
claim to historical interpretation of a key or all
\"World building\" puzzle remembered that the knowledge of
any hidden general laws, rules over nature and
people. The scientific aspect of the ideology is secondary and
only appears to be necessary
used as incontrovertible proof.
ideology that wants to convince and mobilize people,
not arbitrarily choose his victims.
developed an ideology is created, maintained and
improved as a political weapon, but not as a theoretical
Among those who create brilliant and witty concepts
and those who implement them through cruelty and atrocity,
In the abyss, which can not be filled no logical reason
Nazism and Bolshevism on its emergence more than others
concepts are indebted to panģermānismam and
Faith is the result of going to the death of ideology - so that
due to murder.
ideologue - one of the most dangerous public
types, because he, knowing that, it becomes the same for
part of their murdered a slave, and that slavery would inevitably
tend to turn into tyranny.
Ideology is being created should be free to make the impossible
as possible, but should be free to provide a limited number of
all possible. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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