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Poems / Growth

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Iesēsi action - ievāksi habit iesēsi habits -
ievāksi character iesēsi nature - ievāksi fate.
[ Growth ]
better - a good enemy.
[ Growth ]
Religion does not do us better, but it prevents us becoming much more
[ Growth ]
What starts with the fact that everyone believes in, it ends up being that each
considered to be a faker.
[ Growth ]
a decent man is open to all. Only need
a genuine desire to become one.
[ Growth ]
If you want to be on top, then Grab your plow support.
[ Growth ]
foolish people strive for wealth, sage - perfection.
[ Growth ]
given into your hand, you\'re happy! - Misfortune comes from the outside,
nau it in my hand, and is in shock from the outside even nau
unhappiness. The problem is that the way that you feel the shock
painful. - I\'m not a tree, it hurts. Also hurt the tree. But you
ability to learn not feel the pain, the tree can not. - Then
I would jāpārrada yourself and be the creator. Tops! You
says you up like a god! Outdoor and blow is your
material from which you create yourself and - jāpārrada outdoor. -
Everything is given into your hand, you\'re happy! - \"Oh!\"
[ Growth ]
coin, one day you suddenly feel that
You life is the top light, although no burden nau
defaulted, you will feel, that your days over top convenient for something
and strength throughout your steps will be limited; feel that tops
calm, while all around anxiety will pavairojies, that
your work back to you, even though you have made them not
called, no officer. You feel that slowly weave your internal
[ Growth ]
Human crests - the wisdom, the wisdom of - peace, peace -
bravery, courage - tolerance.
[ Growth ]
large effort required to am committing a stone uphill, but
it quickly rolls down the same - it also brings us up the virtues
but the downward pull yourself up vices.
[ Growth ]
overcome pride, a man becomes a pleasure. Overcomes
hostility, he becomes cheerful. Overcome the passions, he
succeed in life. Overcome selfishness, he becomes
[ Growth ]
Our lives become beautiful if we can be seen
all negations.
[ Growth ]
virtuous, and you will become lonely.
[ Growth ]
There are prayer, fasting is in tears, and my sin
seeing, is tolerated transformations is meekness
persecution - all this is sometimes painful, and test
face temptation, it would work in our growing and becoming
good at waking and revelation, and seeing the real
[ Growth ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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