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Poems / Imagination

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Imagination is why it\'s the imagination of complete reality.
Imagination. . . aligns with our actions, and if what we
do correspond to what we call duty, good
action, the imagination just adds to our peace and joy.
We have the right to be proud of their power of imagination, all of our
benefits are its fruits.
man all his benefits to an imagination, but an accident - reality.
Place the smartest philosophers over the wide board
precipice - although the reason they would not be convinced that the
He is safe, no matter the imagination will prevail.
unbridled imagination creates reality appearances.
Imagination is the idea of ​​the soul is one thing to watch
We sha
There is a proverb that the most beautiful women can make more
as she is. They are completely Trivia: She gives men
everything he expect from her in this type of relationship
Received the value of the imagination.
To be truly good man, he must possess
with a live imagination: he must be able to imagine themselves in another
instead. Imagination - the best tool for moral improvement.
Imagination - soul eyes.
, which is the imagination, but not knowledge, have wings, but not
Our mental system is a force that surprises with its
energy miraculous mobility, with their ability to push
all of our abilities, put all our passion - no
certainly, it is imagination. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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