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Poems / Temptation

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Give the devil a finger, he will take you all the hands.
Nevairies of temptations. By the time they themselves will start from You a sidestep.
man is easier to avoid temptation than
defeat them.
There are many ways to make human life lukewarm - of Them
safest time - is to force people to devot Their
Life in the cult of self-preservation, to include Overcome Any long
Expression of Rebellion and make your life as meaningless
virknējumu moment of all time, as there is a desire to live
Creator has committed two errors led to women and
One of the most common and devastating temptation
is a temptation, which includes the word: \"All it does.\"
There are people who are capable of any noble and heroic
action, but can not resist the temptation to hold
unfortunate to tell about their happiness.
There are several ways to fight the temptation, of which
the safe - get frightened.
The only way to get rid of temptation - to indulge it.
once left behind, and adopt a new evil again in a new way
and coming from the other side. When no longer tempt the flesh, when
as bait no longer an option feast and debauchery, which remained
the daily life and sacred source of life, the tempter comes
the spirit and to become more arrogant, self-righteous and
imagine himself sinless.
Patience sorrow, hope, suffering, faith in God, who
devote themselves, usually leaving a temptation.
most common temptation of hatred against the neighbor. Evil knows
that hates the people, reduce our love of God,
and it fired and sown seedlings and hatred wherever they can.
Because without the full love of God no one will enter the kingdom.
Each temptation is little place for ourselves by evil
discovered and want to break or injure.
nekārdināts can not get heavenly kingdom where
would not be tempted, no one should also not be saved.
I never nepretojos temptation, because I\'ve discovered that
that which is harmful to me, tempt me.

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