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little person in the small hill, a big man in the pit
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great man - one who has not lost the child\'s heart.
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I respect people who can smile in trouble gain strength
grief and find courage in thought.
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able to appear and be completely the same, it is
more courage, just a higher power. But there\'s only
the goal of all mankind.
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Who wants to become large, so one is threatened with danger: love: But, with nau love it can not get high. - Yes, but here direct contradiction! Yes, that they joined together, it\'s great.
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Each value is the power and at the same time as such a creative and destructive.
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it, which brings great responsibility.
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a great ability to reach so it is, who see their paucity.
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Only major events causing great people.
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true size of the feature - the ability to not feel the blows. It
huge beast slowly and calmly watches the barking
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large as it is measured together with the pedestal.
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beautiful, beautiful it also is on the way. And
in happiness and adversity is much more stable.
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How neat is well when he has to pretend
not see any other flaws. As far as he is clumsy when he is
talk about their own merit.
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who remain indifferent to the praises and
abasement, which is not to kick against kick
Who does not want evil to their hurt, envy of the gods.
[ All ]
is able to nag other deficiencies or praise
himself. A truly great man, and others do not degrade yourself
not singled out.
[ All ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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