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Poems / Fate

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The sooner we realize that destiny is within us, not
stars, the better. Fortunately, we can only find in himself
teresa free time, waiting for the other, no
they do not have a surplus.
[ Fate ]
fate and character - the same concept differently
[ Fate ]
While the destiny of us are not conquered, it is like a little child
keep at hand and jāieper, but if it has put us in,
then try to fall in love with.
[ Fate ]
mediocre minds are not our own destiny.
[ Fate ]
We are blaming the fate of all our accidents, but never
Their success blaming.
[ Fate ]
Destiny - a spirit of cowardly excuse.
[ Fate ]
fate nothing everlasting possession.
[ Fate ]
wise never kicked in being thrown means to be
banished from there, from where to go against their will.
But the wise man does not do anything against their will. He resists
necessity, because he or she wants that to him it
[ Fate ]
What fate granted us, we will have to get out of
their beds. The fact that we are not doomed - to miss the
and a zeal not achieved.
[ Fate ]
is the one who decided to take me. Is unavoidable
the sequence of events, my job - to follow it.
[ Fate ]
Enjoy your happiness endured his misery, waiting for
all that will bring you life, the farmer waits for the harvest.
[ Fate ]
goddess visits the one who works as a lion. Only
Agricultural says: \"It all depends on fate!\" The masculinity
Overcoming destiny, even if it will not lead to your zeal
success, then it will not be your fault!
[ Fate ]
Neripo cart with one wheel, the same fate does not materialize
nepiepalīdzot people.
[ Fate ]
As learned, the knowledge of what works carried out, the
honor, what zeal, the well-being, one destiny -
prizes awarded.
[ Fate ]
Only the gods know the intended fate.
[ Fate ]

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