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Poems / Life

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So it is arranged: Joy to the young, the old complains.
[ Life ]
honorable man is the need to avoid three things: age,
when life forces bump - sensual pleasure, mature
years when the life forces have reached their full potential -
ķildošanās, an age when life forces collapsed - avarice.
[ Life ]
Those who lived to forty years, can
cause the surrounding do not like is a lost man.
[ Life ]
a large part of my life for the best part of it,
worst to make an even more disappointing.
[ Life ]
Most people will use the best part of it,
to make worse the worst part.
[ Life ]
provide the life satisfaction, it means
live twice.
[ Life ]
by opened back - there are boundless time
Abyss, by opened forward - there is another
infinity. What is the comparison with them is important that
someone has lived for three days or three people\'s life spans?
[ Life ]
Try it, maybe you will be able to live their lives as
person who is satisfied with the decisions made, which, with its
love and good deeds gained as well as other internal
[ Life ]
How short a time span between when the person is still
too young, and when the person is too old.
[ Life ]
pass through the world and not to become a more complete - that\'s
itself, which leaves the dirty bath.
[ Life ]
live - it does not breathe, it means to be
active. Instead of the person having the greatest year
The number has been living the longest life, but whoever
is most deeply felt in life.
[ Life ]
HAS ITS Particular own bias, but the I
Always Remain The Same. At the age s
tempted by sweets, twenty - favorite, thirty - pleasure,
forty - we Remain ambitious, fifty - niggardly.
[ Life ]
childhood fools in thinking father and mother at a young age -
beloved, age - children. Since he has not time to think
[ Life ]
man is twice a child: the first year, second, one hundred
years old.
[ Life ]
true, but die a liar.
[ Life ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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