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Poems / Intolerance

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iekliegsi pitcher, the pitcher and you atkliegs back.
If you love your mother, then in another man\'s mother nelamā.
One other fish shouted: \"Hey, pushed on!\" Other
says: \"Where bīdos, but we are both on the same pan
cepamies! \"
of any religion is inherently intolerant, it
clear from her guidance and interest.
How times nepārgrozās! Unbelieving believers were persecuted in the past,
now persecuted believers non-believers.
not too good in nature to what is intolerable to your
nearest bad character: let us remember that circulation is
need both gold and small change.
Experience tells us that negligence and tolerance toward yourself
and zero tolerance for others is the same sin
by different parties.
History is full of religious wars, however. . . caused by the
spirit of intolerance that prompted the faith, which is considered
themselves for leadership.
only against intolerance.
It must be very strong or crazy to dare to be
impatient. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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