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Poems / Accident

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Accident - acclimatization process, which prepares the soul
The other, the worst in the world.
accidents are as a fool made wise.
disasters caused by vested ultimate destiny
impact, but the daily disorder.
that knew how to write mainly men, all
accidents were recorded in the world for women.
each of us enough courage to endure foreign
What sage has said that the accident is cowardly, because never
does not appear to us one. I might be more willing to say
that they are courageous because they are always attacking and never
does not withdraw, and if they commit themselves to follow us, then
never leave him alone on the roadside.
Most misfortunes of life resulting from the surrounding people
nesaprātīguma and the flesh. When getting into a critical condition
a truly wise man, he is calm and
nesatraucams. It also is true happiness. If the person does not
capable of, he always comfort myself with empty
expectations and cleave to their wishes.
accident as soon not be warranted if we are not half
the road towards them gone.
Woe to the turn of the pleasures and no more accidents in the
the world as undivided undivided joy or sorrow.
people blame fate, the gods and anything
other, but not ourselves.
If we will discuss certain accidents, then come to
concluded that they could be divided into three categories.
They are, first, the accidents related to our
physical existence as death, pain. . . . Will name them
\"Natural disasters\". Second, as a separate category we
can classify the accidents that occur in our nature
or lack of bias, ie, ignorance,
cowardice or over-abundance of passion. Will name them
\"Nature of the disaster.\" The third, which arises from a separate
individual or groups of power over other people here
quantifiable not only the apparent tyranny, but also all
interference-free development process. . . . They can
described as a \"public disaster\". Separate social systems
can be assessed by how it treats each of these disasters
The accident, which you are about, never comes, is always something worse.
Almost all accidents in life is that reason that we have
wrong impression of what will happen to us. Thus,
Recognition of good people and healthy decisions about what is happening
bring us closer to happiness.
adversity confers rights.
fire, the woman and the sea - three accidents. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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