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Poems / Ingratitude

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ingratitude first stage - a hidden motive Search
exhibitors favoritism.
All our gaušanās cause of what we are missing is
lack of gratitude for what we have.
Thanks - same neievērojamākais of virtues, the same
the ingratitude - the worst of vices.
blind you nepateiksies a mirror.
One of the sad life of the law - the so-called
children\'s ingratitude. This is a mismatch between what the law of
mean to one another, fathers and children. Fathers, children -
self-realization and creative work, and overcoming loneliness
the promise of immortality. Fathers of children - the obligation or
pity, or, at best, and so unselfish
disinterested devotion to an object.
ingratitude - a kind of weakness. I\'ve never seen before,
that business people has ever been ungrateful.
too fervent desire to settle it, for we have only
owe, is a kind of ingratitude.
Unless one is able to do good, he threatened
dangers faced by ingratitude.
If you are doing something for their children, wives, subordinates or
superior good, then surely you remember - you\'ll be
much happier if uzskatīsiet that you did it yourself. Then,
the strength pacenšaties forget this, because it is as good
it was done, it has long been forgotten.
ungrateful son is worse than a stranger, because his son
no right to be indifferent to his mother.
first cause of ingratitude lies in the human failing
with a reasonable degree pay. Not acutely hatred for what
caused shame for not reimburse the charity.
to remember those who helped them in advance:
student - teacher, married a son - her mother, other
chosen a husband - wife, achieved the objective - assistant of
thicket emerge - companion, sick - doctors.
thankless is much less than we think, because
is significantly less generous than we think.
. . . ingratitude is shameful, as it usually does
see that the people took over the excessive hatred, excessive
anger, excessive pride or excessive closeness, etc.. In
what do not know how to get their revenge on their stupid gift
, can not say that he is ungrateful, let alone the
can be said about the, what does not affect the courtesans grace
and who does not seek to indulge her whims, nor thief
generosity in order to gain support concealment or theft of something
anything like that. On the contrary, the show that he is
indomitable spirit that he is not bribable with any gifts
that would bring misery to himself and the general good.
hungry dog ​​and pabarosiet, then
It will never neiekodīs. It also differs from the Dog
human. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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