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Poems / Modesty

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Under the gold lies in modesty.
[ Modesty ]
Modesty - the most beautiful outfit.
[ Modesty ]
regrettable is the one who wants little to fear and much more.
[ Modesty ]
it does not contribute to the development of modesty and his importance
[ Modesty ]
If you\'re pieradinājis his body at ease, then
neplāties with it. If you drink only water, then at each
opportunities do not tell: I drink only water.
[ Modesty ]
whole must be the mayor, even modesty.
[ Modesty ]
In severe ear, the lower bent.
[ Modesty ]
Women celebrates the men\'s modesty, but does not like to be modestly
[ Modesty ]
making their modest expectations, the need to use the
his strong hands would not force me to tilt your head this
great men of the world, I\'ll be happier and richer than
they are often poor in aplenty.
[ Modesty ]
Wisdom in his modesty would never walk noskrandusi or
also richly dressed.
[ Modesty ]
Skopie, even if they are rich, think about the fact that they
is missing. They do not understand how people nemantīgiem
as a whole may be enough.
[ Modesty ]
himself renounced any excess, then the future can not do
take away.
[ Modesty ]
Gold coin is always small.
[ Modesty ]
well able to be at peace,
It will be a long-term satisfaction.
[ Modesty ]
merit increases and justify mediocrity.
[ Modesty ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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