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Poems / Mind

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Nothing so far does not encourage mental activity does not stimulate new objects and aspects of the phenomenon of the opening, as identified in sympathies or antipath
[ Mind ]
mind too merry - go to the cemetery, if you do
too heavy-hearted mind - Even go there.
[ Mind ]
mind the beard does not grow together.
[ Mind ]
Those whose minds are balanced already conquered birth
and death.
[ Mind ]
mind to use to get rid of, but not to go to seed.
The mind is the friend of souls, and the enemy.
[ Mind ]
of the mind can not be continually reminded him to be avenged,
their persecution.
[ Mind ]
In rare cases, brain dies due to wear, but most
cases, the rust corrode, do not find yourself in this application.
[ Mind ]
human mind like a mirror with an uneven surface, Which,
ADDITION of the ITS properties in the case Characteristics, the Latter REFLECTING
Crooked and perverse.
[ Mind ]
Mind - Strike Glass, who is setting fire to himself
stays cool.
[ Mind ]
main people do not mind, but what sets him
action: the character, the heart, kindness, progressive ideas.
[ Mind ]
History teaches that all men without exception, and the popular resort
to mind at the earliest, when tried all the other
[ Mind ]
fool it, unable to conceal their mind.
[ Mind ]
human mind - his skill into question. . . .
[ Mind ]
strong mind, which focuses on practical objectives -
the best minds in the world.
[ Mind ]
lack of intelligence, there is a lack of everything else.
[ Mind ]

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