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Poems / Fame

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your name - like your shadow: there she goes in front of you, here
by you, sometimes it is more than you, sometimes less.
[ Fame ]
people themselves constructed pedestal, the statue insist
[ Fame ]
Fame is just a shadow of virtue, without the others tend to be.
[ Fame ]
Where there is no danger, there may not be the fame.
[ Fame ]
Each wreath of fame will also be a crown of thorns.
[ Fame ]
Seeing how a man loves life, is hard to believe that
he is able to love even more, but often he lives
instead choose to fame, although fame is just a view of
him, consisting of thousands of individuals and views,
whom he knows personally.
[ Fame ]
with flowers strewn path never takes towards glory.
[ Fame ]
outstanding people praise must be balanced with the means
which were used to achieve it.
[ Fame ]
usually tend to praise, to be praised himself.
[ Fame ]
Great men always suitable to compare the fame with the means
what they used to obtain it.
[ Fame ]
We are increasing fame alone, to reduce it to others.
[ Fame ]
outstanding people praise must be balanced with the resources
which it was achieved.
[ Fame ]
good name distant sounds.
[ Fame ]
same as the s reputation.
[ Fame ]
Eminent Persons\' fame is partly explained by their
apjūsmotāju myopia.
[ Fame ]

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