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Poems / Properly

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Your rights - whine, my right - do not listen.
Equal rights - for all, special privileges -
We take for granted the following truth: that
All men are born equal, that they have their
The Creator has given inalienable rights, those rights
include the life, freedom and opportunity to make yourself
right - the greatest lawlessness.
right, not the result of well executed obligation is not
nothing worth.
right to live is the most generous, the most nepelnītākā gift they over-pay for all those disappointments, by brings with it life, all to the last.
People are so roughly-shaped, that does not occur, repeating
they begin to be on the right.
sense of justice develops a sense of responsibility. Comprehensive
law - it is freedom that ends where another begins
Meath serpent sting are both right.
obligation and right - brothers. Both born in the
same day, together growing up, growing and die.
right and obligation equal to two palm trees, which do not
fruit, if you grow too far apart.
right - good and fair art.
right fist today have disappeared - except for any
the right to display his fist in the pocket.
order to deal fairly, do not know much, but in order to complete
confidence to do wrong, you need to be thoroughly
study it right.
Being, who has devoted himself entirely to others, does not recognize
rights to freely izrīkoties with yourself. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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