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Poems / Diet

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hungry sprinkled with pepper and salt - a great
[ Diet ]
The closer to the bone, because the tasty meat.
[ Diet ]
Too many cooks can spoil the broth.
[ Diet ]
fork - a tool that is mainly used for
put in the mouth of animal carcasses.
[ Diet ]
is to eat and drink just as much as necessary to our
forces to recover rather than be overwhelmed.
[ Diet ]
realized that the diet of age becomes the wisdom of the new
being doing it for ages left without food.
[ Diet ]
flesh defeat those who fed him too rich.
[ Diet ]
to complete coated board may be missing the pepper, salt and mustard.
[ Diet ]
without bickering pilaf cooked - delicious.
[ Diet ]
And God said, \"Behold, I am now given you all
plants, which ripened seeds, which alone is the earth, and
every tree that bears fruit with its seed to those you
for food. \"
[ Diet ]
. . . the most important feature of Indian cuisine - cooking be accompanied by \"a pinch of love, peace and a tablespoon teaspoon of wisdom.\"
[ Diet ]
If you become ill with a vision, then eat more carrots. Or
Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses?
[ Diet ]
I wonder about the people who presume that on his desk
dead body is mutilated form, which requested
their daily consumption of what until recently had with
movement, understanding and voice endowed beings.
[ Diet ]
eat to live, not live to eat.
[ Diet ]
If the food there is nothing left of them, it does not mean that
rich fed.
[ Diet ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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