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Poems / Depl-volume-IO

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man who is trying to hide their weakness behind a rant
and noble principles, unintentionally create suspicion against himself.
all loved and never loved was getting value, or the love
enough? Love both, not strength.
Just as the fetus matured, one by one starts
fall off the page, as well as one by one, you will begin to leave
your weaknesses maturing consciousness of God within you.
The more weakness, more lies: the strength to go straight paths.
weak hands nenoturēs heavy sword, those who are missing
courage, direct jobs do not wait.
nevaldītu belly, then none of the birds fall into
nets, and the same catcher tacit networks.
cowardice, prurience, debility, clinging to his native
hand, complacency, tramīgums - that\'s six obstacles
real internal growth.
Who knows weakness, it also does not know God.
Even with all my heart loving people can understand how
the size of his weaknesses. It would be foolish self-confidence
believe that our benevolence deserves just the same
fullness. Sometimes our weaknesses we are not correlated in
less, the same as the highest virtues.
no wisdom, no freedom is not incompatible with the weakness.
Everyone has their weaknesses - and often it is
interesting to him.
better when the poor man is your enemy than a friend.
Foul King is always flattering for most of his
good people failing to treat all people of good can
bring great sorrow.
Excellent human weakness does not do it smaller, but granted him
human nature. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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