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Poems / Power

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Copper - is an obligation of discretion - accountability.
[ Power ]
By their nature, copper is silly. Since that time, since turning
Land, the Good and the Beautiful has always been outside.
[ Power ]
We have agreed to his people: they speak of what they
want, I\'ll do what we want.
[ Power ]
Power without love - a terrible thing. Such a rule serves
fear - like the Indians making the wild animals or
demons of the worship facilities.
[ Power ]
two-way battle between those in power and those
who wants to rule, is a struggle for power.
[ Power ]
World powerful, all surrounding objects serve as the
mirror, which reflected their greatness. For this reason,
they often love them, that they serve.
[ Power ]
most beautiful royal crown is the nation\'s love
[ Power ]
Kings of fear of the sky to the same extent that we fear
of them.
[ Power ]
to the aid of the gods there is fear, you will rule with the aid
[ Power ]
No philosopher has been unable to reconcile the government
principles of morality, and yet no one has been able to put
what better in front of those principles, which would contradict
with human nature.
[ Power ]
can be recognized as the best, who would be more relevant for
possessor? The fact that he himself there.
[ Power ]
power over the people can only serve them.
[ Power ]
It is More Difficult to Prevent Other self-control than the reign of
Over the other.
[ Power ]
Each power comes from the people. And sometimes to its more
not return.
[ Power ]
Coercion - power flesh rituals - the wings, Knowledge
- Support; justice - a tool to attract
[ Power ]

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