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Poems / Violence

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use of violence is justified only tyranny
case, since it excludes the possibility of peaceful reform,
and how this application only purpose is to be able
create the conditions that allow the implementation of non-violent
Any government that is based on violence, falls
contrary to the ridiculous: wanting people to be weak, it
at the same time also wants to help them be strong.
The blows from the land can be acquired only dust and not
Violence is tempting because it is exempt from the
and tightening the focus of mental activity
necessary. To unlock the node is jāpapūlas - it
easier to sever.
Although the people would not try to get rid of violence
it is not possible in one way - with the help of violence.
If a case is resolved with violence, help,
more violence can not leave off. . . . When a thing
solved by force, which always is that the winners
becoming better people, but those who egoistiskāki
wily, bezkaunīgāki and cruel.
People intrusive visrupjāko the violence seems
themselves in a similar offense, violence is simply
need to submit themselves more powerful.
The violence must be answered with violence.
use of violence and coercion, not only externally,
but also their context, are specific to each political
History cruel sabradā ideals and if any man or
people of a certain moment renounce the use of force
fairness, then he shall be entitled to a hypothetical
fame in the world of thought and truth, but it also means she
damage in a fight with another force, a better understanding of reality. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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