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Poems / Heroism

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heroism - which is valuable, but the excitement of it not become
basis for political theory.
[ Heroism ]
What is left over from the feats of Alexander the Macedonian, when
they are compared with Kepler laws?
[ Heroism ]
World is just one manifestation of heroism: to see the world
what it is and love it.
[ Heroism ]
\'s heroism - minute flare, followed by a
relaxation and prostration.
[ Heroism ]
All the people - the same origin, but of them
varonīgākie - dižciltīgākie themselves.
[ Heroism ]
Misfortune - test of heroism.
[ Heroism ]
Heroism crave danger.
[ Heroism ]
Do not have any blood to bring peace to the world
and his age - that\'s the highest heroism.
[ Heroism ]
Only he who from childhood are known to work
life of the law, which since the youth is understood that the bread
pelnāma is hard to be able to perform this feat,
because for him that day and hour it will
the necessary will and strength.
[ Heroism ]
heroism and humanity - almost one and the same.
But if these feelings even slightly astray from the path
and humanity-loving character becomes angry madness,
but a liberator and defender - the oppressor and misery
[ Heroism ]
heroism secret: do not let the Fear of death never to drive
Your Life.
[ Heroism ]
heroism paradox in the fact that people are
jānicina his life to save it.
[ Heroism ]
to think about the consequences, it can not be heroic.
[ Heroism ]
at his gates and cock Heroic.
[ Heroism ]

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