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Poems / Desire

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Who wants more than he needs - miserable.
[ Desire ]
Ocean always filled river, but it remains
unchanged. And only one man who is not disturbed by desires
continuous stream, can achieve peace, and not what
strives to meet the expectations.
[ Desire ]
Desire - it is called a river, where the place of water - dreams, will
Instead - thirst. It is home to crocodile passion, but above the
crows circling concern. It washed out tree roots of masculinity, it
full depth and the illusion neapejamu spaced its shores - concerns
rocks. Only those who reach over pārpeldējuši
[ Desire ]
If any man desire to be fulfilled, the land
become a living hell.
[ Desire ]
Desires like appetite when it is very much, it means
- Always suffer, if not all, almost the same thing as being
[ Desire ]
our unquenchable desire to be born every day and updated to make it, that gets our preferable benefits the future and hope.
[ Desire ]
Not philosophers, but clever swindlers are those who argue that
people are lucky if they can live the way you want:
it is a lie. Criminal wishes - accident acme. Not
Less notorious is not get what you want, than getting
what has been the wish of crime.
[ Desire ]
true size of the soul, which gives people the right to respect
yourself, in most cases takes the form of his awareness that
is nothing else that so far he possessed, and
dominion over their own desires.
[ Desire ]
elections - the cradle of hope.
[ Desire ]
elections are necessary to life are kept constantly
[ Desire ]
Nothing we do not do such a cowardly and insolent, as the desire to become
other people loved.
[ Desire ]
Do not expect that everything happens the way you want, but you want to
everything happens as it happens, and your life running quietly.
[ Desire ]
. . . Lust promises that we will what covetousness, vairīšanās
in turn promises that do not happen to us nothing of how
try to avoid. What obtains conquered, it is
unhappy, more unhappy is something which happens
something from which he hoped to avoid. . . . . Allows you to
there is only desire and distraction, but for both the first,
the second gets quietly, intelligently and sparingly.
[ Desire ]
Then, the end of the election, ending the man.
[ Desire ]
desire, need and one that is not.
[ Desire ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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