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Poems / Life

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Life is bitter to have a strong belief that all death - is not an accident.
[ Life ]
Human life is nothing but a comedy in which people, each put on their masks, each plays its role.
[ Life ]
human life - a lie. Behind every smile hides a yawn behind each recognition - curses behind each pleasure - disgust, but after each kiss on the lips remain sweetness personified, persistently a new thirst for pleasure.
[ Life ]
top tolerated only if you are of them turned.
[ Life ]
not singled out yourself and do not degrade the other. It is not known under which tree your body will turn into dust.
[ Life ]
Our lives are divided into two parts: first, we live in the future, the second - in the past.
[ Life ]
similar fruit tree, it is the sweetest life before joining the corkiness.
[ Life ]
Life is a tragedy for sensitive people, but the comedy - minded.
[ Life ]
his life devoted the best part is used to make a worse worst part of my life.
[ Life ]
Life - it is a game where no man has become the winner.
[ Life ]
of life is not to be the Same as the Majority, but to live According to Their own internal conscious law.
[ Life ]
Live as if you now say good-bye to the life, as if the remaining time you have an unexpected gift.
[ Life ]
to live more like Fighting art, not dance, because we have to stand firm and be always prepared for a bonanza, not on what is already known.
[ Life ]
Life - This is the way home.
[ Life ]
Life - a source of joy, but anywhere from drinking crowd, the poisoned source.
[ Life ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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