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Poems / Man

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people are always embarrassed and ashamed, when he wasted izpļāpājies.
[ Man ]
man created on the last day of creation when God was already tired.
[ Man ]
neuzklausiet people who speak ill of others and good for you.
[ Man ]
because people are smarter and more educated because of his lies can cause more harm to himself as well as others.
[ Man ]
different yet, as one would first think, then speak and communicate, but the latter must first talking and doing, then just think.
[ Man ]
man is worse than an animal when he becomes a beast.
[ Man ]
man kept himself quiet sea, air and ground noise music.
[ Man ]
People like animals: the big eat the small, large and small bites.
[ Man ]
say that a man consists of strength and weakness, and blindness of reason, and the greatness of the trade - not to condemn people, but to define its nature.
[ Man ]
human nature has two opposing beginnings: selfishness, which encourages us to work to their advantage, and altruism, which encourages us to work for others. If one of these drivers break, then a person would either have to crazy evil, either to madness hearted.
[ Man ]
little person in a small hill, the big giant hole.
[ Man ]
People are sociable creatures of the bees and any group.
[ Man ]
[human] task is realized thanks to the reasonableness and ethics, because ethics indicates the correct target, but intelligence [choose the right] means to achieve it.
[ Man ]
Man is a social being.
[ Man ]
man - the animal, which their diets are prepared boiled or fried form.
[ Man ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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