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Poems / Feeling

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planet is the cradle of reason, but can not ever live in the cradle.
[ Feeling ]
trick and safe thing to human reason, as to what we plan, decide and do, fate will always retain the reins of life in their hands.
[ Feeling ]
Who to science, if not common sense.
[ Feeling ]
intellectual component in the fight of life is so important to always be decisive.
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fate is being unfairly distributed intelligence - for many it is not at all, but for others it serves to persecute those who really possess it.
[ Feeling ]
Poor people! What a century was needed to get some modicum of common sense!
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highest expression of intelligence is the ability to get along with people who do not have it.
[ Feeling ]
. . . I would not be happy if that might face should be a fool. . . if we value happiness, even higher ranking intelligence. But if you think about it, it turns out that the intelligence and common sense to choose happiness means being unreasonable.
[ Feeling ]
Who knows, maybe that sense of passion is indebted for his most brilliant victories.
[ Feeling ]
sense - at best, like our wife, indeed we often hear, but rarely listen to it, what is being said.
[ Feeling ]
only the intellect we termed as common sense, which includes a sense of community, and thus is focused on serving the common good.
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greatest treasure - common sense.
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indulged sense of anger or blind rage stream, accusing friends of acts or words, then later no tears, no sighs unable to correct the errors.
[ Feeling ]
Intelligent people prefer not to for a pleasant, but after that eliminates unpleasant.
[ Feeling ]
finally realized, faith begins.
[ Feeling ]

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