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Poems / Mind

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lack of intelligence, there is a lack of everything else.
[ Mind ]
What a lot of incredible mind is used to demonstrate the wide variety of nonsense!
[ Mind ]
greatest minds allow most errors. It grows into storm clouds.
[ Mind ]
Ugly people are smarter because they are less likely to pursue pleasure and more time to study.
[ Mind ]
Want to please people? Respect their minds.
[ Mind ]
On earth there is nothing more valuable than the dignity of mind.
[ Mind ]
Reason and common sense distinction is determined by each different cause. The first creat
[ Mind ]
mind dawn only to those who failed.
[ Mind ]
People will always stand against the mind, the mind is against them.
[ Mind ]
. . . mind, if it could speak, begins where common sense ends.
[ Mind ]
is not a false judgment that we would not be the result of passion or ignorance.
[ Mind ]
Mouth - gates of mind. If you handle them open, then slip out of mind. Imagination - feet mind. If not ruled over them, they lead the mind astray.
[ Mind ]
tendency to always impose his truth - a sign of a vulgar mind.
[ Mind ]
rusty nails difficult to remove; apcietējušu mind difficult to amend.
[ Mind ]
mind will illuminate the path, but will rule over the actions.
[ Mind ]

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