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Poems / Mind

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mind is the heart of the minister.
[ Mind ]
voice will be heard if it goes through the heart.
[ Mind ]
Commends the [human] what he can not take away or give it to belong to the same person. You are asking what is it? It is the soul and to the fully developed brain, because man is a being endowed with mind. Consequently, this advantage will reach its highest levels, where he will perform it, why was born. But from what she calls the mind? What kind of animal that: to live in harmony with the environment. This is difficult because of the general insanity: closing up each other vices.
[ Mind ]
therefore will use the mind to the mayor and taught to be budget-conscious, because rudeness pushes misery and condemns their wealth. Who has not been measured feelings, it\'s never long existed, unless restrained himself iegrožotājs mind. You witnessed the fate of many cities whose greatness fell on its height, when all that was created by virtue, destroyed by the lack of fever.
[ Mind ]
How horrible can be pleased, if it does not serve the people.
[ Mind ]
mind controlled, it seeks as he can, the other hatred, anger, contempt, etc.. retaliate against himself with love and generosity.
[ Mind ]
intelligence-led, we will choose the benefits of the two highest and the two evils - the smallest.
[ Mind ]
intelligence-led, rather we will seek for a higher benefit in the future than at present, and rather less of a lesser evil than the present for more in the future.
[ Mind ]
Since the mind does not require anything that is contrary to nature, then so he asks everyone to love yourself, to find yourself a mineral that is truly useful, and the pursuit of all that people actually leads to greater perfection, and in general, for anyone trying as much as is in his power to remain in existence.
[ Mind ]
To get to the simple phenomenon of nature, requires quite unusual mental skills.
[ Mind ]

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