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Poems / Religion

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Religion protects us from many variations and many of the works.
Only people can be religious: the animals do not like religion, as they do not have the legal and moral.
Religion - a complete transformation in the soul, which it believes.
Why not raise a voice against the bad guys in the past, considerable superstition and fanaticism founders, those who first grabbed the knife prescribed altar to offer a stubborn, unwilling to accept their views.
The religion is the same as a gambling game: the Fool begins to cease to cheat.
biggest disagreement leads to lower crime than religious fanaticism.
Wherever God is recognized, there is a cult, but where there is a cult, is a moral obligation to adversely affect the natural order and morality degrading.
Fan all the people living in low history: everywhere religion into the blameless? crime, but crime has proclaimed the innocent.
There is no corner of the world where differences in religious beliefs Do not water the land with blood.
Religion prevents people to see because she afraid of eternal punishment, prohibiting them to watch.
Without Religion lost power goes, no religious authority will cease to operate.
Man is by nature religious beings.
Religion - the human response to life.
Religion in its abstract form - proof that all the world is not ambitious.
If today\'s religious leaders really try to think and act according to the religion founder\'s intentions, then among these religions exist because of religious hatred. Even religious differences would lose its meaning. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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