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Doing good can a man who takes precedence, and get help from other charities - befits its weakest.
Only he is able to truly love the good in our hearts, incompatible hate evil.
In looking good, for it comes through easily, while the plague descends on its own and not to look.
from the same, and have the good may arise from the wicked, as well as a remedy for this evil. For example deep waters are useful in many cases, but on the other hand, it is inherent in them, because of the possibility they drown. However, it is found the antidote to this evil - swimming skills.
Anyone who facilitates the other\'s suffering in this world brings good.
Among the best people is what brings the greatest benefit to others.
the Good faith only those few who creates it.
Right and the moral is the same. But the right is the only one that is good for others.
Right - nothing less than the corresponding human selfishness.
moving snail\'s pace. Those who wish to do good, not selfish. They have deliberately and know that the time to elapse before the man takes root right.
who strive for good, he must be prepared to suffer evil.
\'re the best, if unable to be - by the best.
Right of freedom. Only he who serves the same freedom and freedom is what causes the breakdown of good and evil.
This world - the best of all worlds.
Good and evil are asymmetrical with respect to one another. Right does not refer to evil, to prove his case, but evil, to justify himself, always himself as a good or a different expression. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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