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Poems / Action

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A thousand words will have less lasting than the memory of one action.
[ Action ]
Everybody\'s value depends only on how he shows himself in his possession.
[ Action ]
If you are not at bad thoughts, then there will be no bad action.
[ Action ]
Visit and listen to evil people - it is the beginning of acts of evil.
[ Action ]
Three roads lead to intelligent action, first, the same cildenākais - reflection, second, the most easiest - the imitation of the third, the same ērkšķainākais - experience.
[ Action ]
When we paid for the noble conduct, so we are deprived.
[ Action ]
If people always think the outcome of their chosen measures, then they would not launch anything.
[ Action ]
Try to do everything at once - not to mean anything.
[ Action ]
enslaving oneself action - not necessarily a slave response.
[ Action ]
Any activity outside the normal framework, are interpreted in a bad sense, because we do not have liked it either, which is above us, nor does it in less than us.
[ Action ]
BEEN always have a good and the goodness and strength to do so.
[ Action ]
seldom mistaken, if the noble ambition to explain behavior, with normal, everyday behavior, but vile - fear.
[ Action ]
Ardent elections and coercion - that is, each of our reasons for doing so.
[ Action ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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